Monday 28 January 2013

Great news today! I received word that we have an extra week to complete the tasks. As much as I am enjoying this, I am getting bogged down in the details of the tasks. The more I become familiar with the technology, the more I want to investigate its further uses.

One question I have right now is how I would ever integrate my own lessons into the technology. I have a wealth of material that I have accumulated over the years. How would I even begin to transfer all that material and where? Where do I even start?

Do I have enough teaching years left in me to delve into this vast new world of technology or do I stay old school?

As I just told a good friend who has just started a steps.

Sunday 27 January 2013

48 Hours....

After 48 hours of registering, fiddling, discovering and messing up, I think I am well on my way to acclimatizing myself to all this technology. I am anxious or, shall I say excited to be able to get through this first stage so I may begin using the technology in the classroom.

Friday 25 January 2013

First blog post

This is my first blog post for the course. So far, so good. I am not used to working completely alone. It has been just me, my coffee and the computer...of course. It is lonely out here in cyberspace. 

I miss the camaraderie of a class. For anyone who teaches, you know get used to having a captive audience and immediate feedback. I am sure I will adjust.

Long road ahead as I have just submitted my first assigment and I am awaiting the grade....this is just like the good ole days...