Saturday 23 February 2013

Study Boost

I encourage everyone to take a look at this wonderful tool for the ESL classroom. It would be one of my favorite tools. In fact, I believe it can actually facilitate better organization for the ESL classroom by keeping students on track in their studies.

I have often discussed absenteeism in the classroom. The reality of teaching adults is that they have other responsibilities outside of the class. Amongst some of the barriers are ill children, shift or casual work obligations and the busy business of settling into life in Canada. Study Boost is a very efficient and effective tool to keep the students abreast of the day's or week's work.

The second use of Study Boost is having a resource in the case of my absence. I have had those days too where I have been too ill to come into class. Although there is a supply, I find I have to backtrack on my lesson. Using this tool would allow me to keep the students on track in my absence.

Do I dare....

If you haven't seen a Harlem Shake, then please, before you read on...take a look.....

Ok now that you are feeling confused, horrified, upset, perplexed, amused....

This is a prime example of how social media influences our society. It is so widespread that every so-called respectable institution has to get in on the action.

I have a lesson plan in the works.

This illustrates two things: one how we can use social media as material for our lessons and secondly, how by using social media we can further our students' interaction with technology and to increase their comfort level with it.

Friday 22 February 2013

Comics Comics Comics

I have been looking for some other comic book apps and I think I have hit the jackpot! Take a look at this lovely list. To be honest, I have not had a chance to look at any of them, but they are on my "to do" list. If I find some real gems, I will come back and comment.

Wonderopolis - searching for the fabulous!

Check out this lovely site! The uses are endless from setting up a Webquest for younger students to getting students to do some extra reading.

One of the nice "wonders" is a fractured fairy tale wonder. Check it out - lots of fun!
I found the following article interesting as it reinforces what I have been thinking about using technology in the classroom.

Twitter in the classroom

I have been thinking of how I could use technology outside of the classroom to reinforce language learning. One of the biggest problems is how to get my students to keep engaged with the class once they have gone home. I thought that twitter could be one way to engage the students. It might have the trickle down effect of engaging the students with each other so that they might, just might practice their English at home!

Thursday 21 February 2013

Finding a balance

As I dash through the last bits of the modules, I wonder if I am ready to embark on the next step. I thought about how my Seniors would embrace all this online learning and technology. We have a Seniors class in our center. They are all well-educated, articulate and very feisty! It goes without saying that while they enjoy the social aspect of the class, they are very self-motivated learners. I often chuckle to myself when I can't get them to put down their pencils to take a break at 10:30! I have young adults facing many a year in Canada ahead of them who can't sit still as the hands of our clock....ever so slowly....tick....towards coffee break!

Contrary to what most think, I could see the Seniors taking to the technology we have covered in class. In my opinion, if they are in a language class in their seventies, they are willing to take on any language, computer or otherwise. In fact, imagine how useful a wiki or a blog would be to a Senior who is homebound. I can only imagine how many comments I would get on any given point.

One day I have to introduce a blog and see how that goes...stay tuned for that!

What Inspires Me...

I have been working on my final module of the course. I reflected on the years of "Getting to Know You" exercises. I thought about my years of French courses (FSL) and TESL training. I mulled and mused. "All About Mes", "Likes and Dislikes", "My Family" - as teachers we have done them all but do we really learn anything about our students from these cursory exercises? Had I ever revealed anything of significance about myself when given these tasks?

Over the years I have been fortunate to have had the privilege to take a glimpse into my students' lives through their stories and photos. Often, I have been witness to their pain.

I remember one of my TESL professors, or perhaps another teacher tell me that the best way to start off a session is with photos of the students' families. I never ever begin with the Family anymore. How many times have I had to teach the word "homesick" to label the tears?

This was the impetus behind my course assignment. Let me explain....when we leave our families, our lives, our jobs, our homelands and our languages, we leave a part of our identity. It takes time to reconnect to that part of ourselves again and realise we are the same people.

I hope to be able to use my "Getting to Know You" exercise in the coming months. I look forward to getting to know my students and learn what inspires them.

Friday 1 February 2013

Screencaster - my nemesis

Here I am at midnight trying to get my head around the multitude of tasks that lay ahead of me....I should sleep but my mind is going in 20 different directions. Do I go back and finish each module in sequence or do bits here and there? I will probably just take each module and sort through what I have left undone and finish them up and click, say bye and hope for the best.

I love the material. I am feeling less intimidated by the technology. One of the best things that has come out of the course so far has been that I feel that my creativity can find its place. I am awaiting the day I can put it all together for a course.

Tomorrow is another day.....

Quizpoo Is An Easy & Unique Tool For Making Online Tests

Quizpoo Is An Easy & Unique Tool For Making Online Tests